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Dr. Scott MabryThe Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program has been selected, on behalf of Chief Resident Scott Mabry, M.D., to receive a 2020-2021 Robert Bucholz Journal Club Grant from the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) Resident Education Fund.

Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Research Clay Spitler, M.D., served as the faculty mentor on the grant, which totals $1500. JBJS established the award to foster attendance and participation by residents in orthopaedic journal clubs. The grant can be used in a variety of ways to support journal club activities: event costs, funding a visiting, creating a virtual library of analytical resources on methodology and statistics, or any other purchase that enhances the journal club experience.

In addition to the grant, the JBJS provided Mabry a list of JBJS Deputy Editors that might be available to participate in journal club as a guest professor, either in person or virtually. Also, he has been awarded a free 1-year subscription to JBJS Clinical Classroom. Mabry is honored to have received the grant.

“It was an honor to work on this grant application on behalf of the residency program, and I look forward to using the funds to improve the quality of our monthly journal club,” said Mabry.