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The first week of November marked the recognition of several of our outstanding female faculty by the UAB School of Medicine.

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On Tuesday, November 5, Selwyn M. Vickers, MD, Senior Vice President of Medicine and Dean of the School of Medicine, hosted a reception to celebrate endowed professors and chairs in the school. Recognized at this event was Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, M.D., Ph.D., the inaugural C. Bruce Alexander Endowed Professor of Pathology. Dr. Magi-Galluzzi is Director of the Division of Anatomic Pathology. She joined UAB just over a year ago in October 2018 from the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Magi-Galluzzi is one of three faculty who became endowed professors in pathology this year; the other two,C. Ryan Miller, M.D., Ph.D., Division Director, Neuropathology, as the inaugural Translational Research Endowed Professor of Pathology, and Yabing Chen, Ph.D., Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Education, as the inaugural Jay M. McDonald Endowed Professor in Laboratory Medicine. Drs. Miller and Chen will be recognized at the biannual event next spring.

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The following night, Wednesday, November 6, another ceremony took place in the Barbara and Edward Partridge Atrium of the O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, hosted by the UAB School of Medicine's Office for Diversity and Inclusion, led by Dr. Mona Fouad, Senior Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion. The event, the Women in Medicine and Science Promotion Reception, honored women faculty promoted to the rank of professor and associate professor.

UAB Pathology's two honorees at this event were Dr. Jianhua Zhang, Professor, Division of Molecular & Cellular Pathology, and Dr. Huma Fatima, Associate Professor, Anatomic Pathology. Dr. Zhang was recognized in a video by Dr. George Netto, Robert and Ruth Anderson Endowed Chair in Pathology. She accepted the award accompanied by her husband, Victor Darley-Usmar, Ph.D., Professor. Dr. Zhang joined the faculty of the Department of Pathology as an assistant professor in 2005 and through consistent hard work was promoted to associate professor in 2011, with tenure in 2012. She carries a secondary faculty appointment in the Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology.

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Dr. Fatima, who was not able to attend the event, joined the faculty of the Department of Pathology in 2011 and was recently promoted to associate professor.

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to all those who received these well-deserved honors.