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Forensic Pathology Division Director Gregory Davis, M.D., was recently consulted as an expert on the autopsy results of George Floyd. Floyd, 46, died on May 25 after being restrained by three Minneapolis police officers. Davis is the medical examiner for Jefferson County, Alabama.

The Associated Press reached out to interview Dr. Davis and asked him and other forensic pathologists to review the full government autopsy report. The experts who spoke with the AP had no involement with Floyd's case in an article published June 4.

davisGregory Davis, M.D., UAB Pathology, Director, Forensics

The article states that Floyd had drugs in his system and severe heart disease when a Minneapolis police officer restrained Floyd's neck with his knee. The autopsy report, by Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, says Floyd died of "cardiopulmonary arrest, complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." A statement by that examiner's office says Floyd had "a cariopulmonary arrest while being restrained by police."

Dr. Davis commented that Floyd, "'has some underlying conditions,' that made it more likely he would not fare well under stress ... But the circumstances of Floyd's May 25 death are not ignored in Wednesday's report, which said, 'restraint and neck compression are part of why he died,' Davis said."