Children’s of Alabama and the Kaul Pediatric Research Institute have released the announcement and guidelines for the 2016-2017 grant application process. The major goal of the New and Established Investigator KPRI grant program is to allow investigators to obtain data that will advantage applications for additional extramural funding. This will bring new knowledge to the care of children, leverage the investment of the KPRI, and allow projects to be competitive for the very best science on the national stage. A second, but important, goal is to ensure that a dedicated funding source is available to unique segments of the pediatric research, education, and quality improvement enterprise. The goal of the quality/safety/educational awards is to further advance and stimulate projects that will advance child health in these areas. An expectation of future extramural funding is not a requirement for these awards. Awards are open to all faculty in pediatric disciplines and all employees at Children’s of Alabama.
This year, once again, there are three categories of grants that will be funded: Established Investigator Awards, New Investigator Awards, and Quality/Safety/Educational Awards. All funded applications will be directed toward the improvement of child health care.
Established Investigator Awards: Up to two awards will be funded, one named in honor of Dr. Sergio Stagno and one named in memory of Dr. Rud Polhill, at an amount of $50,000 per year each for a maximum of two years.
New Investigator Awards: Up to five awards will be funded, at an amount of $30,000 per year each for a maximum of two years.
Quality/Safety/Educational Awards: Up to two Quality/Safety/Educational awards will be funded, at an amount of $10,000 each for one year.
Applications for all awards must be submitted electronically to mary.aiken@childrensal.orgby 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 30, 2016. In addition - to ensure accuracy, completeness, and proper processing through UAB OSP – all Established and New Investigator grant applications should also be submitted to David Ingram on or before Wednesday, September 21st. Application guidelines and forms can also be found on the Pediatric Research Office (PRO) website at the following link: The PRO is available to assist all investigators with application development. Contact David Ingram or Cheryl Perry with any questions.