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RWhitley 2014Richard Whitley, M.D., Pediatric Infectious Diseases, has been selected as the recipient of the 2020 National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) John P. Utz Leadership Award. This award recognizes Dr. Whitley's leadership in the field of clinical virology and infectious diseases. â€œJohnathan Utz has been a hero in infectious diseases. All of us who practice this specialty emulate his contributions. This is very much of an honor," Dr. Whitley said about receiving this award.  

The John P. Utz Leadership Award was established by the NFID in 2007 as a lasting memorial to the late John P. Utz, MD, a champion in the fight against infectious diseases. The award is presented to individuals who exemplify leadership in the field of infectious diseases, as selected by the NFID Board of Directors. Previous recipients include Drs. L Pickering. R. Besser, A. Schuchat, C. Baker, W. Schnaffer, among others.

The award will be presented on Monday, Dec. 14 at the virtual 2020 Awards Gala. Learn more about the other awardees here.

Congratulations Dr. Whitley!