The Regional Poison Control Center (RPCC) at Children’s of Alabama has launched Poison Perils, a free app that helps identify potentially dangerous plants, snakes, insects and common household items.“Alabama has a rich array of biodiversity, and this app gives parents, grandparents, and caregivers critical information about Alabama’s toxic and poisonous flora and fauna landscape,” said Ann Slattery, managing director of the RPCC at Children’s.
Poison Perils provides users with a detailed description of each insect, animal and plant, as well as the most common household items the RPCC receives calls about, accompanied by a photo of each. Users can also quickly connect to a specialist in poison information in the RPCC in the event of an emergency with just the touch of a button. Poison Perils is available for both Apple and Android devices.
“In an emergency, time is precious, and with this app, parents and caregivers can have information at their fingertips,” Slattery said.
The RPCC handles more than 50,000 poison calls per year, plus an additional 60,000 follow-up calls. The app was developed with support from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, UAB and Children’s.
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