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ResidentLegislativeDay1Mary Orr M.D., Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Justin Cimring M.D., PGY-1 Pediatric Resident, Chloe Meyer, M.D., PGY-1 Pediatric Resident, and Aubrey Coleman, M.D., PGY-2 Pediatric Resident The Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) hosted the 17th Annual Pediatric Legislative Day Tuesday, March 5 at the Alabama State House in Montgomery. This legislative day is an opportunity for pediatricians across Alabama to learn about the legislative process and meet with lawmakers to discuss health issues impacting children in Alabama. 

Representatives from the Pediatric Residency Program attended the day. Justin Cimring M.D., PGY-1 Pediatric Resident, Chloe Meyer, M.D., PGY-1 Pediatric Resident, and Aubrey Coleman, M.D., PGY-2 Pediatric Resident, joined Mary Orr M.D., Pediatric Hospital Medicine, in participating in the legislative day to advocate for issues related to pediatric health and learn about the legislative process in Alabama.