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 PMR Residents Thank You 1Join us today on Resident Appreciation Day in thanking all of our residents. Our residents are often the first face seen by most of our patients/families and they represent us exceedingly well – days, nights, weekends, and holidays.

Resident collage 750x350Top L to R: Drs. Mary Craig, Sarah Williams, Cole McCarty, Aleksander Borrenssen, Lendrum Morrow, Jacob Schultz
Bottom L to R: Drs. Brea Willeford, Ashley Steffens, Sarah Lopes, Nelson Santos-Agosto, Natalie Dean, and Daniel McBride

Letter from our Residency Program Directors

"Our residents have been an encouraging force for our department and in many ways led the way with new and wonderful ideas that our department leaders grasp onto. For example:

  • The development of a new MSK Ultrasound course 
  • Successfully adapting teaching styles for the Millennial generation and rising Gen Z students
  • Assisted in training and mentoring 17 medical students over the course of many rotations
  • Aided in the recruitment effort of 49 applicants selected to interview
  • Hosted 12 meet & greets for our applicants

We are thrilled to see all the efforts pay off on MATCH Day in March! 

The residents have refined their research projects, come up with creative quality improvement areas to explore, and found new ways to get involved in UAB opportunities and national committees. Lastly, we have welcomed 3 beautiful babies into the residency family within the span of 2 weeks. We are excited to see where the rest of this year takes us but are forever thankful for the impact our trainees have made on our faculty, staff, and other team members."

Thank you for your dedication to the department and our patients. We appreciate you."

- Drs. Conley Carr and Michelle Turnley