The University of Alabama at Birmingham
The DoubleTree Hotel, 808 20th St S, Birmingham, AL 35205 20th St S, Birmingham, AL 35205
Wednesday, June 24 |
2-5 pm | Registration and Check-In - Double Tree |
5:30 pm | Shuttle to Reception at the Vulcan Park and Museum |
6:00 pm | Dinner Reception |
7:30 pm | Shuttle to Hotel |
Thursday, June 25 |
7:00 am | Breakfast - Double Tree |
8:00 am | Opening Remarks - Double Tree |
8:30 am | Professional Development Session I - Double Tree |
9:30 am | Break - Double Tree |
9:45 am | Professional Development Session II - Double Tree |
10:45 am | Walk to Bevill Building |
11:00 am | Lecture & Life Path - BBRB 170 |
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Roger Nicoll, M.D.Professor of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology
12:30 pm | Boxed Lunch Break - BBRB 170 |
1:15 pm | Oral Session I - BBRB 170 |
2:15 pm | Break - BBRB |
2:25 pm | Oral Session II - BBRB |
3:15 pm | Break - BBRB |
3:30 pm | Lecture & Life Path - BBRB |
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Erich Jarvis, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Neurobiology
5:00 pm | Return to Hotel |
5:45 pm | Dinner - Double Tree |
6:45 pm | Poster Hanging - Double Tree |
7:00 pm | Poster Session - Double Tree |
9:00 pm | Adjourn for the Evening |
Friday, June 26 |
7:00 am | Breakfast and check out - Double Tree |
8:00 am | Walk to Bevill |
8:15 am | Oral Session III - BBRB 170 |
9:15 am | Professional Development Session III - BBRB 170 |
10:15 am | Break - BBRB 170 |
10:30 am | Lecture and Life Path - BBRB 170 |
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Kristen M. Harris, Ph.D.Professor of Neuroscience
12:00 pm | Pizza Lunch - BBRB 170 |
12:45 pm | Oral Session IV - BBRB 170 |
1:45 pm | Closing Remarks & Awards - BBRB 170 |
2:00 pm | Adjourn |
Conference Details and Registration
The annual NEURAL Conference is the only regional graduate trainee neuroscience conference of its kind and the cornerstone of the efforts of the UAB Neuroscience Roadmap Scholars Program. The conference is designed to benefit the *underrepresented graduate neuroscience trainee. Non-UAB *underrepresented graduate neuroscience trainees are targeted for attendance.
Attendance by ALL UAB neuroscience trainees is requested and encouraged.
Poster presentations and attendance is open to ALL neuroscience trainees. Oral presentations will be chosen from *underrepresented neuroscience graduate attendees ONLY. 3 poster awards and 3 oral awards will be made. Abstract details and a submission form can be found below.
The NEURAL Conference will take place at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The DoubleTree Hotel Birmingham, adjacent to the campus, will provide lodging and meeting space. Additional conference proceedings will take place at the Bevill Building on the university campus.
A limited number of TRAVEL AWARDS are available for non-UAB *underrepresented neuroscience graduate students! Preference will be given to trainees who commit to submitting an abstract. Travel awards will take the form of free lodging and travel reimbursements upon receipt of detailed receipts. Indicate your interest in a Travel Award on the registration form.
* Underrepresented (must be citizens or permanent residents):
1. Racial and ethnic groups such as blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders.
2. Students with disabilities, i.e., who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Please send Jamie White your questions or call the UAB Neuroscience Roadmap Scholars Program at 205-996-1673!
Registration is closed.
Presenting is an important aspect of the NEURAL conference. Poster presentations are open to ALL neuroscience trainees. Oral presentations will be selected from *underrepresented neuroscience trainees only.
Abstracts must be neuroscience-related. Abstract bodies should be no longer than 250 words and include: Introduction; Materials & Methods; Results; Conclusion. ABSTRACTS ARE DUE BY MONDAY, JUNE 1. Click here for abstract form.
Posters must fit on 4 feet X 8 feet poster boards. Oral presentations will be a total of 10 minutes in length. (8 minutes science and slides, 2 minutes for questions)