The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Wednesday, June 19 - Friday, June 21, 2019
Wednesday, June 19
Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts (AEIVA) Atrium Lobby 1221 10th Ave S Birmingham, AL 35205 |
2-5:00 PM | Registration (dorm guests only) in lobby of New Freshmen Residence Hall |
5:45 PM | Shuttle to Reception (dorm guests) |
6:00 PM | Dinner Reception & Professional Headshots |
7:30 PM |
Return Shuttle |
Thursday, June 20
UAB Hill Student Center Third Floor Ballrooms 1400 University Blvd Birmingham, AL 35294 |
7:00 AM | Breakfast |
8:00 AM | Opening Remarks from Directors & Mixtroz Ice-Breaker |
8:15 AM | Professional Development Session I |
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"The Myth of Work-Life Balance" Julie McDonald, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist McDonald Graham, LLC |
9:45 AM | Break |
10:00 AM | Oral Session I |
11:00 AM | Break |
11:15 AM | Keynote I |
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"Neuregulin-1 for Stroke Treatment: A Journey from the Bench to Clinical Translation" Byron Ford, Ph.D. Professor of Biomedical Sciences University of California, Riverside |
12:30 PM | Boxed Lunch Break |
1:15 PM | Oral Session II |
2:15 PM | Break |
2:30 PM | Keynote II |
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"From fixation to exploration: Towards an integrative view of oculomotor function" Susana Martinez-Conde, Ph.D. Professor of Ophthamology and Physiology/Pharmacology SUNY Downstate Medical Center |
3:45 PM | Break |
4:00 PM | Oral Session III |
5:00 PM | Dinner Reception |
6:00 PM | Shuttle to Hilton |
Hilton Birmingham at UAB Hamilton Foyer 808 20th St South Birmingham, AL 35205 |
6:30 PM | Poster Hanging |
7:00 PM |
Poster Session - OPEN TO ALL! |
9:00 PM |
Adjourn for the Evening (Shuttle Bus) |
Friday, June 21 |
UAB Hill Student Center Third Floor Ballrooms 1400 University Blvd Birmingham, AL 35294 |
7:00 AM | Breakfast |
8:00 AM | Professional Development Session II |
Postdoc Panel |
9:00 AM | Break |
9:10 AM | Oral Session IV |
10:10 AM | Break |
10:15 AM | Shark Tank |
11:15 AM | Break |
11:30 AM | Keynote III |
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"New tools to record neural dynamics in freely behaving animals" Peyman Golshani, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Neurology University of California Los Angeles |
12:45 PM | Lunch |
1:30 PM | Awards & Closing Remarks |
2:00 PM | Adjourn + Lab Tours |
Conference Details and Registration
National Enhancement of UnderRepresented Academic Leaders (NEURAL) Conference
The annual NEURAL Conference is the only regional neuroscience graduate trainee conference of its kind and the cornerstone of the efforts put forth by the UAB Neuroscience Roadmap Scholars Program. The conference is designed to benefit the underrepresented* neuroscience graduate trainee. It will take place at the University of Alabama at Birmingham on June 19-21, 2019.
Poster presentations and attendance are open to ALL neuroscience trainees. Oral presentations will be chosen from underrepresented* neuroscience graduate attendees ONLY. There will be a total of 3 poster awards and 3 oral awards made.
Follow the link to the appropriate registration form.
Registration is CLOSED.
Abstract Submission is CLOSED.Presenting is an important aspect of the NEURAL Conference. Poster presentations are open to ALL neuroscience trainees. Oral presentations will be selected from underrepresented* neuroscience trainees only.
A limited number of TRAVEL AWARDS are available for non-UAB underrepresented* neuroscience graduate students! Preference will be given to trainees who submit quality abstracts by the April 1 deadline. A second round of travel awards will be made if funds allow. Travel awards will take the form of free dorm lodging, meals and travel reimbursements upon receipt of detailed receipts. Indicate your interest in a travel award on the registration form.
Abstracts must be neuroscience-related. Abstract bodies should be roughly 250 words and include: Title; Author list; Introduction; Materials & Methods; Results; Conclusion. Use Microsoft Word; Arial 11pt; single spaced. Abstract submission for Travel Awards is now open.
Abstracts for UAB trainees are due by May 1st.
Posters should fit on a 4-ft high by 8-ft wide poster board. Oral presentations will be a total of 10 minutes in length (8 minutes of science and slides; 2 minutes for questions).
* Underrepresented (must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents):
1. Racial and ethnic groups such as blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders.
2. Students with disabilities, i.e., who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.