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Dr. Jess FazendinThe UAB Department of Surgery welcomes Jessica (Jess) Fazendin, M.D., on Aug. 1, 2020 as the director of the third-year medical student clerkship program and an assistant professor in the Division of Breast and Endocrine Surgery.

Before graduating from her one-year Endocrine Surgery Fellowship at UAB, Fazendin completed her general surgery training at the Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she served as resident lab and skills curriculum development director. Prior to residency, Fazendin received her medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

During her years in medical school and residency, Fazendin taught students in dynamic courses, such as Gross Anatomy, Surgical Clerkship Oral Examiner and Introduction to Clerkship. At Drexel University College of Medicine and UAB, she supervised medical students and residents on surgical rotations as well as Endocrine Surgery Service, respectively. Fazendin also mentored several pre-doctoral and medical students during her Endocrine Surgery Fellowship.

“This past year has been an incredible experience of learning and relationship-building, and I look forward to continuing the trend throughout my career at UAB,” said Fazendin. “Supporting surgical education by leading the medical student clerkship program is a dream of mine– I’m thrilled to play a small role in developing future surgeons.”

The surgery clerkship is normally an eight-week rotation, but will be six weeks for the 2020-2021 cycle. Medical students typically complete the clerkship during their third year, spending four weeks on the general surgery service, two weeks on a specialty service and two weeks on a sub-specialty service.

Former director of the medical student clerkship program Britney Corey, M.D., will now serve as the director of the General Surgery Residency Program.

"The program is an important part of the third-year medical student experience,” Corey said. “It is an opportunity for students to discover their potential calling to surgical training and for us to impart critical skills that will be used throughout their medical career,” Corey said. “I know that Dr. Fazendin will do an incredible and inspirational job as a leader and educator.