Explore UAB


Since 2010, UAB has been designated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as a medical center for the Crash Injury Research Engineering Network (CIREN) Program. The mission of the CIREN is to improve the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of motor vehicle crash injuries to reduce deaths, disabilities, and human and economic costs. UAB’s CIREN team is led by one of the trauma surgeons and also consists of a crash investigator, study coordinator, research nurse, and an epidemiologist.

As part of this program, patients who have been significantly injured in motor vehicle crashes consent to allow a crash investigator to reconstruct the crash. The crash investigator documents vehicle deformation and occupant contacts while the nurses and physicians then collect information on the patient's injuries. A team of medical professionals, crash investigators and engineers then collaborate to link each occupant injury with a component inside the vehicle. By obtaining a better understanding of how occupants are injured in car crashes, the network aspires to influence vehicle design and safety regulations.

Community Outreach

Alabama has one of the highest motor vehicle death rates in the U.S. Therefore injury prevention a major priority for the UAB CIREN team, which conducts community and professional outreach and education.

Our team conducts standing, quarterly presentations addressing motor vehicle safety in several area high school drivers' education classes. These  incorporate a driving simulator and specifically highlight decisions made by occupants and potential resulting injuries. We have also participated in other programs such as the teen driver safety summit, UR KEYS 2 DRV. 

Presentations including a driving simulator are given to other groups as requested. If you are interested in more information regarding presentations for your group, please contact Holly Waller at 205-972-3034.

Contact Information

1922 7th Avenue South, Suite 110
Birmingham, AL 35294-0016
Phone: 205-975-9783
FAX: 205-975-3035