Join UAB’s virtual walk team for the Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama virtual walk.
The review of COVID-19 positive case rates and state-wide stay-at-home orders suggests that stay-at-home orders helped reduce transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Men in the community will wear pink on Sunday, Oct. 25, to show support for breast cancer awareness at the annual “Real Men Wear Pink” outreach event.
An in-hospital wellness center for medical trainees can reduce burnout and enhance the learning experience while stressing a healthy work/life balance.
Layers of tannic acid and another biopolymer delay allograft and autoimmune-mediated rejection in mouse models of Type 1 diabetes.
UAB’s ArtPlay will host a virtual Veterans Day mini-camp for kids exploring dance, music, art and much more.
When glaucoma and an autoimmune disorder caused severe, painful blisters in his right eye, artist Charlie Busler was in danger of losing his eyesight.
The loss of rural hospitals has been felt most keenly in Southern regions of the United States, from Florida to Texas.
Enjoy music from jazz legend Eric Essix, a silent auction, and take-out packages that include wine, beer, and even food for two, four or six guests.
A study conducted by UAB investigators has outlined that Black individuals are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, and there are key geographic differences in health determinants in the United States.
A national report co-written by a UAB dentist found that dentists who were assumed to be at increased risk of COVID exposure had a less than 1 percent infection rate of COVID-19.

Enrolled Cooper Green patients who get a flu shot at the new drive will also get a food box donated by Royal Divinity Ministry Food Bank.

UAB’s uterus transplant program is the first program in the Southeast and fourth in the United States.
UAB’s Center for Palliative and Supportive Care will present a virtual summit on palliative care in Nov.
A monoclonal antibody is being developed by Aridis Pharmaceuticals as an inhaled, self-administered treatment for non-hospitalized patients who are suffering from mild to moderate COVID-19.
School of Education Associate Professor Gordon Fisher will assess the benefits of home-based, telehealth, high-intensity interval exercise for improving cardiometabolic health in people with longstanding spinal cord injuries.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of normal life, but infectious diseases experts explain ways to enjoy the semester while minimizing health risks.
New recommendations for treatment and prevention of HIV infection in adults will help guide physicians and patients in HIV therapies and treatment regimens.
The UAB Medicine O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at Acton Road is expanding services to bring high-quality cancer care to others in the community.
UAB will take part in the national campaign for free college applications.