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Research & Scholarship
Research Contacts
ORS Navigator
GDRM Navigator
(For all pre & post award grant activities)
Interim Associate Dean for Research & Scholarship
Dr. Ellen Smith
Interim Assistant Dean for Research & Scholarship
Dr. Edwin Aroke
Director of Research Operations
Cathy Tarver

Predoctoral funding in LGBTQ Health

The overarching objective of this predoctoral training opportunity is to support the development of full-time trainees to have exceptional research and community engagement skills in advancing LGBTQ health in the Deep South. The rationale motivating the program is twofold:

  • First, the need to recruit, retain, and raise up researchers capable of understanding and addressing the dramatic health inequities facing LGBTQ communities across our region.
  • Second, the need to address LGBTQ health holistically, not just from a disease or deficits approach.

We will provide predoctoral trainees with education and experience in rigorous, reproducible, and transparent scientific approaches. We have designed our program to include the following key activities:

  1. Provide advanced training in LGBTQ research through weekly seminars focused on health, multi-level prevention interventions, methods, and their intersections.
  2. Prepare trainees for an academic research career via application workshops focused on professional development training.
  3. Engage trainees in LGBTQ research via a shadow experience and community intensive for trainees to "learn by looking," followed by an immersive community-based participatory research project for students to "learn by doing."
  4. Expand trainees' personal and professional networks through formalized mentoring and networking opportunities. The planned duration of appointments is two years per cohort, beginning January 2025.

SON doctoral students who are enrolled full time, are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and who have a strong interest in LGBTQ research are eligible. Trainees will receive:

  • Full tuition and health insurance
  • Stipend of $28,244 per year
  • $5,000 travel fund

The program is co-led by Dr. Emma Kay, Associate Professor of Nursing and Associate Director of the UAB Center for AIDS Research's Implementation and Community Sciences Core, and Dr. Sarah MacCarthy, the Magic City LGBTQ Health Studies Endowed Chair and Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual and Gender Health. If interested, please contact Sarah Franklin at sarahgf@uab.edu to learn more about the application process.

Research Contacts
ORS Navigator
GDRM Navigator
(For all pre & post award grant activities)
Interim Associate Dean for Research & Scholarship
Dr. Ellen Smith
Interim Assistant Dean for Research & Scholarship
Dr. Edwin Aroke
Director of Research Operations
Cathy Tarver