Explore UAB

Photo of a student using a computer

  • “Canvas is such a great program for students! My favorite part is the ability to put in future potential grades to see how well I need to perform to get a certain grade. ”
    - Jaime Droegmiller, RN, BSN
    MSN Student
  • “My favorite Canvas feature is the digital to-do list that updates weekly with upcoming assignments. ”
    - M. Taylor Hinkle, BSN, RN
    MSN Student
  • “Having pictures shown with everyone's name is great for getting to put a face with a name when talking with distance students.”
    - Leigh Ann Bray, MSN, RN, CNL
    PhD Student
  • “I really love that Canvas shows you everything that is due weeks in advanced. This allows me to know what I need to focus on and gives me time to plan out my course work.”
    - Adam Wilson
    BSN Student
  • “Canvas is user friendly. It's very easy to access and navigate to collaborate with professors and other students. The app for the phone is great too!”
    - Jacqueline Vo, BSN, RN
    PhD Student
  • “Canvas is such a great program for students! My favorite part is the ability to put in future potential grades to see how well I need to perform to get a certain grade. ”
    - Jaime Droegmiller,
    MSN Student


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Computer Setup
Getting Started



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Getting Started
Learning Calendar
Quiz Setup Form
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