“Canvas is such a great program for students! My favorite part is the ability to put in future potential grades to see how well I need to perform to get a certain grade. ”
- Jaime Droegmiller, RN, BSN MSN Student
“Having pictures shown with everyone's name is great for getting to put a face with a name when talking with distance students.”
- Leigh Ann Bray, MSN, RN, CNL PhD Student
“I really love that Canvas shows you everything that is due weeks in advanced. This allows me to know what I need to focus on and gives me time to plan out my course work.”
- Adam Wilson BSN Student
“My favorite Canvas feature is the digital to-do list that updates weekly with upcoming assignments. ”
- M. Taylor Hinkle, BSN, RN MSN Student
“Canvas is user friendly. It's very easy to access and navigate to collaborate with professors and other students. The app for the phone is great too!”
- Jacqueline Vo, BSN, RN PhD Student
“Canvas is such a great program for students! My favorite part is the ability to put in future potential grades to see how well I need to perform to get a certain grade. ”