Haley Herfurth
| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Ready, set, strike
UAB’s volleyball players score on and off the hardwood. Check out UAB Women’s Beach Volleyball team during the Green and Gold match 2 p.m. Feb 14 and season opener against North Alabama 10 a.m. Feb. 22, both at home.
Stay safe using digital payments with these 4 tips
Digital payments may total in the billions, but along with safety there is fraud in numbers. Gary Warner, director of research in computer forensics, suggests ways to keep your money safe from scammers.
Grant enables UAB to expand Japanese language instruction
A second grant from the Japan Foundation Los Angeles will enable UAB to expand course offerings and meet a growing demand for Japanese language study.
Wednesdays are all about eating well
A semester-long series of free nutritional seminars, lunch-and-learns and cooking demonstrations is designed to help you eat — and live — well.
Gift supports more learning opportunities for engineering students
Funding from AMERICAN Cast Iron Pile Co. will enable the School of Engineering to continue offering scholarships and hands-on research and learning experiences for the next six years.
8 wallet-friendly ways to eat foods that are good and good for you
Think eating healthier is too expensive to try? You can enjoy nutritious foods without breaking the bank — and there are more benefits than just saving money.
Erika Austin, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Biostatistics, was one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Snowpocalypse serves up a snowy soccer match
Six years ago, Blazers kicked a soccer ball back and forth on campus during Winter Storm Leon, which brought Birmingham to a standstill on Jan. 28, 2014.
6 tips to help your unit host sustainable events on campus
Want that office event you’re planning to have a big personality while leaving a small environmental footprint? These recommendations from UAB Sustainability can help you make adjustments to ensure your events are as green as possible.
Schwiebert honored for outstanding service to postdocs
Lisa Schwiebert, Ph.D., will receive the 2020 Distinguished Service Award from the National Postdoctoral Association during its annual conference in March.