Matt Windsor

Matt Windsor

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In a new trial funded through UAB’s urgent COVID-19 research program, investigators are comparing the widely available steroid methylprednisolone with dexamethasone, which lowered risk of dying by one-third in a U.K. trial this summer.

Advice on mental and emotional well-being from UAB leadership and professional development expert Michael Wiederman, Ph.D.

With a nearly $3 million grant from the NIH, researchers are studying interactions among sleep, nicotine and race.

Get the facts in this brief guide to testing requirements, methods and criteria.

Employees submitted more than 160 questions and comments during the virtual town hall Aug. 14; find answers to questions that couldn’t be answered live due to time constraints, including explanations of benefits, mask compliance, remote working expectations and more.

UAB leaders discussed data behind the university’s comprehensive reopening plan and answered questions on move-in, class schedules, mask distribution and more.

UAB leaders discussed data behind the university’s comprehensive reopening plan and answered questions on mask distribution, childcare options, benefits changes and more.

Many people are looking to antibody tests for peace of mind. But the results aren’t actionable at this point, an infectious diseases expert says. Learn more about UAB’s current and future antibody testing efforts.

Watch a demonstration of automated lecture recording from Heritage Hall, find out what tech will be in the classrooms where you teach and register for hands-on or virtual training today.

Find out how the committee brings together campus leaders to monitor the effectiveness of UAB’s entry plan and look for trends and patterns that indicate additional support may be needed. 

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