Clinical Trials
Do you have urinary leakage, bowel leakage or a feeling of bulging from the vagina (Prolapse)?
Black or African American men needed to participate in a confidential sexual health survey
Healthy controls needed for study on obesity in children
Participants needed for research study on Parkinson's disease
Study participants needed for kidney stone study
Healthy volunteers needed for exercise, blood pressure study
Participants needed for a STOP rheumatoid arthritis (RA) study
Do you have heart disease? Volunteers needed for INVESTED study
Are you depressed?
Recruiting college students age 19 and older who smoke cigarettes for study
Paid men’s health study
Are you an 18-55 year old female with fibromyalgia?
Healthy participants needed for a research study about the effects of glucose on a protein in your blood
Teens ages 15-18 needed for a metabolic study
Volunteers needed for adolescent depression study
Got gout?
Men and women ages 18 and older needed for a research study on bioenergetic health (Mitochondrial function)
Volunteers needed for exercise and blood pressure study
Are you a healthy person ages 18 and 40?
UAB offers no-cost treatment program to stop cocaine use
Healthy African Americans needed for healthy aging study
Simulated-altitude to optimize aerobic exercise among breast cancer survivors with limited mobility study
Healthy older adults needed for a study about healthy aging
Are you a woman age 18-65 suffering from chronic fatigue?
Overweight/obese adolescents ages 15-17 with an iPhone or Android cell phone wanted
Do you have Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)?
Are you ages 18-75? Are you currently taking medication specifically for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, also known as Pulmonary Hypertension? You may qualify for participation in the ongoing LIBERTY research study. If you would like more information, please contact the UAB Cardiovascular Clinical Trial Unit, 205-975-9964.
Volunteers diagnosed with SCI needed for nutrition study
Do you have high blood pressure?
Are you a women desiring further evaluation for vaginal prolapse?
Volunteers diagnosed with a history of stroke needed for exercise study
This study will examine the effectiveness of a group exercise class on the health and function adults age 18-65 with a history of stroke. You will be randomly assigned to one of two groups; Movement2Music or a waitlist group who will complete a home-based exercise intervention. Email or call 205-313-7455 for more information. Participation is free, and compensation is provided.
Overweight adolescents ages 15-17 with an iPhone or Android phone
Overweight/obese adolescents ages 15-17 with an iPhone or Android phone who sleep less than an average of 8 hours per night and their parent wanted for a study of the effects of sleep on adolescents’ overall health. Requires 8 visits to UAB laboratory and 3 blood draws over a 4 month period. Participants and their parent are eligible to receive a total payment of $400 ($320 for participants and $80 for their parent). For more information call 205-934-2241 or email