Training to help faculty secure CAREER awards

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job trainingUAB’s College of Arts and Sciences will provide training for junior faculty who are planning to apply for a NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award.

The three-session training program will walk applicants through the process of applying for and winning NSF CAREER Awards. All UAB faculty are invited to attend.

The training will be led by former recipient David Hilton, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics, with support from current awardees and assistant professors Ragib Hasan, Ph.D., computer and information sciences, Eugenia Kharlampieva, Ph.D., chemistry, and Karolina Mukhtar, Ph.D., biology.

Sessions will be held noon-1 p.m. March 13, April 10 and May 8; attendance at all three is highly recommended. The March 13 session will be in Heritage Hall Room 102, and the April 10 and May 8 sessions will be held in Heritage Hall Room 500.

The CAREER research grants are awarded to university faculty — at the rank of assistant professor or equivalent — in any of the broad science and social science disciplines eligible for NSF grants. The awards are provided to support the early career-development activities of professors who most effectively integrate research and education within the context of the mission of their organization.

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