November 2014 - The Reporter

Just in time to tackle COVID-19, the Informatics Institute launches a bigger, more capable version of its team-science data platform.

retro art streamIn 1960, many incoming patients were first admitted to the Isolation Unit before transferring to another ward; there were fewer antibiotics at the time, and undiagnosed infections were more prevalent. Today, protecting patients in the time of coronavirus takes an even more complex and multilayered approach — including visitation restrictions and the use of negative airflow rooms.

Published in Retro'spectives

Charlie Monroe, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, was one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.   

Published in Awards & Honors

In a virtual town hall meeting, President Ray Watts and other university leaders shared their pride in how UAB faculty and staff have responded to COVID-19, offered frank answers on re-opening campus, budget shortfalls and other topics of common concern, and shared practical guidance on how every member of the UAB community can play a part in moving forward.

Published in Take Note

Talking cutting-edge science and family questions with the first members of UAB's Undergraduate Immunology Program.

Published in Programs & Curricula

UAB health experts to develop a plan for the health and safety of all students, faculty and staff on all campuses.

Published in Campus Safety

Many of UAB’s more than a thousand international students are facing complicated questions and challenges — but you can help.

Published in Get Involved

Lab-grown human heart tissue could mean better drug tests, faster transplants and more accurate models of disease. To get there, Palaniappan Sethu, Ph.D., is stretching ingenuity.

UAB algorithm offers doctors a step-by-step guide to connect patients with HIV to best smoking-cessation options.

It’s officially springtime at UAB, and new growth is blossoming from Sterne Library, to Collat, to the residence halls.

Published in Sustainability
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