November 2014 - The Reporter

Grab your colleagues and wrap your mind around this UAB shared value with philosopher Matt King, Ph.D.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Published in Learning & Development

UAB Safe streamUAB has several resources that, when coupled with personal initiatives, can help keep you safe during bad weather.

Published in Campus Safety

Medical ethicist Greg Pence explores the billion-dollar industry of addiction treatment and suggests a more viable framework for combatting America’s “greatest epidemic.”

Published in Publications

Emergency Medicine's Christopher Greene, M.D., and Infectious Diseases Director Jeanne Marrazzo, M.D., share the latest on the new coronavirus, precautions in the ED and updates on therapeutics to prevent and treat the illness in this video. Read about campus plans and responses on the UAB Updates tab at

Published in Campus Safety

UAB podcasts can help you stay safe online, sharpen your skills and connect with fellow Blazers.

Published in Tools & Technology

John Kearney, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor in the Department of Microbiology, will be honored for 45 years of service to UAB during the annual Service Awards banquet March 6.

Published in Awards & Honors

Learn how UAB researchers are taking on the most feared complication of the new generation of blood-thinning drugs. 

Be proactive to get the most from your performance review.

Published in Benefits & Policies

All campus staff will use the same process and timeframe for annual reviews beginning in July. Learn how ratings, criteria and more were shaped by hundreds of employees in a 2019 pilot.

Published in Benefits & Policies
Seeking participants for the effects of mood on attention study. Must be age 21 or older. Must be in good health. Attend one session and earn between $10 and $30. For more information please contact: Mood Study Researchers 205-975-7809 or Caitlin Clevenger, PhD 205-996-2452.
Published in Clinical Trials
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