November 2014 - The Reporter

Will rush happen this fall? When do I move in? What is hybrid teaching? UAB leaders answer all the questions from the virtual town hall for incoming students July 8.

Published in Take Note

Alicia Booker has been selected as the new university ombudsman in a newly expanded office that also will support university staff in conflict and dispute resolution.

Published in Staff Appointments

UAB leaders shared plans and updates on re-entry, furloughs, expense-reduction strategies and more in a virtual town hall for employees July 13.

Published in Take Note

Faculty submitted more than 160 questions during the virtual town hall July 8; find answers to questions on re-entry decisions, attendance, faculty accommodations and more.

Published in Take Note

Pro-style teaching videos, interactive Canvas modules, Zoom breakout rooms: Four faculty adapted their courses in innovative ways to boost engagement and collaboration — and they plan to continue using these techniques.

Published in Teaching & Learning

Assistant Professor Henna Budhwani, Ph.D., co-led a cross-disciplinary project that was recognized with the Robert Carr Research Award at the International AIDS Conference July 8.

Published in Awards & Honors
The purpose of this study is to help research scientists and physicians gain a better understanding of how the brain works as well as understand why some people respond well to drug treatment for mental disorders and why others do not. Participation involves 5 study visits over the course of 16 weeks with MRI scans of the brain, questionnaires and assessments related to daily and psychiatric functioning, and an optional blood sample. You will be compensated up to $400 for your participation. For more information and to see if you qualify please contact Lindsay McCormick at (205) 996-9813 or
Published in Clinical Trials

UAB leaders offered guidance, answered concerns and recognized faculty efforts at a virtual faculty/instructor town hall July 8. "There's a willingness to work with anyone around issues they might have," President Watts said.

Published in Take Note

Despite being thrown a coronavirus curveball, new Engineering Dean Jeffrey W. Holmes, M.D., Ph.D., who began his tenure at UAB July 1, says he is looking forward to what the future holds for the School of Engineering: opportunities for growing and diversifying its student population, defining and developing new research areas and constructing a new building, to name a few.

Published in Leadership

For its commitment to employee health and corporate health programming, UAB was named one of five finalists of the 2019 Healthiest Employers of Alabama, an awards program administered by health-intelligence platform Springbuk.

Published in Be Healthy
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