November 2014 - The Reporter

Members of the 2019-20 UAB Staff Council executive committee are Jennifer Breland, Laine Chapman, Holly Holliday-Jones and Michelle Henry.

Published in Shared Governance

UAB will offer several opportunities for students, faculty and staff to explore free speech and hate speech on campus and across higher education, beginning with a community town hall Oct. 14.

Published in Campus News

Professor Brenda Bertrand was one of 12 faculty selected to receive the 2019 UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Published in Awards & Honors

Five faculty are translating proven methods directly from Birmingham to locations around the world with pilot funding from the Sparkman Center for Global Health.

Published in UAB Global

Peek into graduate research laboratories through a Facebook live presentation of Discoveries Behind the Scenes every other Wednesday this fall.

Published in UAB in the Community

Forty years ago, the Department of Biomedical Engineering took root in the basement of Cudworth Hall. Today it spans three buildings and nearly 20,000 square feet of laboratory space.

Published in Programs & Curricula

Employees have a choice of two stand-alone dental plans — basic or comprehensive coverage — provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama.

Published in Benefits & Policies
Healthy individuals ages 13 to 19 needed for brain imaging (MRI) study. The study includes two 2-hour sessions, one of which will include a 1-hour MRI scan. Participants will also complete questionnaires and cognitive tests. Compensation: $75. Contact: Cognition, Brain and Autism Lab PEERS study at (205) 996-9368.
Published in Clinical Trials

Employees are encouraged to bring a full-size laundry detergent or house-cleaning product for Blazer Kitchen.

Published in Shared Governance

The annual UAB Innovation Awards Breakfast highlights student, faculty, staff and community innovators for their contributions to research, innovation and entrepreneurship on campus.

Published in Campus News
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