Ferdinand Urthaler, M.D., cardiologist and professor of medicine, physiology & biophysics, is one of three being honored for 45 years of service to UAB, along with Jeanne S. Hutchison, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, and Louis Dale, Ph.D., recently retired vice president of the Office of VP Equity and Diversity.
They will join more than 1,000 employees at UAB to be honored during the annual Service Awards Program noon Friday, March 4, which will include a luncheon for employees with 20 or more years of service in The DoubleTree Hotel Heritage Banquet room.
Later that day, employees being honored for five or more years of service are invited to a drop-in reception 3-4:30 p.m.
Honored 20-year recipients
Debbie E. Adams (HR Records Administration); Randall K. Agee (University Police); Paula G. Bennett (Athletics); Linda B. Berryhill (Payroll Services); Mark S. Bolding (Radiology); Michelle Brunner-Scott (Cardiovascular Disease); Jacqueline Bryant (Dental Faculty Practice); Mark Alan Buckmaster (Pediatric Critical Care); Gina L. Campbell (Maternal & Fetal Medicine); Samuel Corbin Cartner (Office of VP Research & Economic Development); Priscilla M. Case (Medical Education); Karen W. Caton (Immunology/Rheumatology); Cassandra B. Cummings (Anatomic Pathology); Meredith K. Currie (Psychology-Public Sector); Victor M. Darley-Usmar (Molecular & Cellular Pathology); Jack Dale Davis (Surgery); Edwin Dixon (Facilities Information Technology); Jennifer M. Elgin (Ophthalmology); Henry K. Fortinberry (Cystic Fibrosis Research Center); Catherine M. Fuller (Cell, Developmental, & Integrative Biology); Nicolaas Geurs (Periodontology); Randi D. Gilinson (Preventive Medicine); Angela Grant (SHP Dean's Office); Linda F. Gunter (UAB Reporter); Tena Hailey (Nephrology); Akhlaque Haque (Government); Emma A. Harden (Pediatric Infectious Disease); Debra Ann Henderson (Comprehensive Cancer Center); Gustavo R. Heudebert (General Internal Medicine); Freda G. Hollis (Montgomery Internal Medicine); Bruce Horne (Print Plant); Shannon H. S. Houser (Health Services Administration); Minabere Ibelema (Communication Studies); Leslie Jackson (Neurology); Valerie Jackson (University Police); Roberta Joy Jones (Career Center); Ioulia Karpechina (Mathematics); Clifford Kennon (Vision Sciences); Susan K. Key (Management, Information Systems, Quantitative Method); Kent T. Keyser (Vision Sciences); Laura B. Kezar (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation); Jennifer L. Kilgo (Curriculum Instruction); Linda Roberson Knox (Pulmonary/Allergy/Critical Care Medicine); Robin A. J. Lester (Neurobiology); Karen F. Lewis (Pathology Residents); Cindy H. Louderback (Anesthesiology); Bao Luo (Immunology/Rheumatology); James Macdowell Markert (Neurosurgery); Catherine E. Martin (Enterprise Applications); Roy C. Martin (Neurology); Dawn Bryant Matthews (Clinical Trials Office); Philip J. McArdle (Anesthesiology); Lisa Craft McCormick (Health Care Organization & Policy); Sharon McFall (Gastroenterology); Angela Marsh McKinney (Ophthalmology); Daphne L. McMurrey (SPH Finance & Administration); Kathy Wingo Monroe (Pediatric Emergency Medicine); Thomas A. Moore II (Anesthesiology); Sandra D. Muhammad (Electrical & Computer Engineering); Lisle M. Nabell (Hematology & Oncology); Veronica N. Nalls (Anesthesiology); Timothy J. Ness (Anesthesiology); Letitia Christie Oden (Preventive Medicine); Rachel F. Oser (Radiology); Linda D. Phillips (Vision Sciences); Terry K. Pierce (Occupational Health & Safety); T. Scott Plutchak (Lister Hill Library of Health Sciences); Peter Edward Prevelige Jr. (Microbiology); David P. Ray (Engineering & Innovative Tech Develop); Charles A. Rivers (Infectious Diseases); Donna E. Salzman (Hematology & Oncology); Kelly Schiff (Mervyn H. Sterne Library); Robert C. Shepard (Media Relations); Barbara A. Sobko (School of Optometry); Candace C. Sparks (IRB); Gary R. Spradley (Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics); Cathy D. Stewart (Nursing Family, Community & Health Systems); Theresa V. Strong (Hematology & Oncology); Elizabeth S. Sztul (Cell, Developmental, & Integrative Biology); Steven Michael Theiss (Orthopaedic Surgery); D. Thomas (Immunology/Rheumatology); Adrian Hal Thurstin (Psychiatry-Geriatric); Barbara Dale Tomlinson (Nursing Acute, Chronic & Continuing Care); Lisa A. Townsend (International Recruitment Retention); Laura K. Vogtle (Occupational Therapy); Jennifer Walker (Family & Community Medicine); Jinyi Wang (Immunology/Rheumatology); Shu-Zhen Wang (Ophthalmology); James K. Warner (Campus Maintenance); Rhonda J. Washington (Maternal & Fetal Medicine); Debbie D. Watford (Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences); Hui Wen (Cystic Fibrosis Research Center); Parathetta Westmoreland (Enrollment Operations); Alan Whitehead (Biology); Charles Melbern Wilcox (Gastroenterology); Dewitt Woodson (Cardiovascular Disease); Run-Tao Yan (Ophthalmology); Karen Yekel (Transplantation Surgery); Weizhong Ying (Nephrology); Kurt R. Zinn (Radiology)
Honored 25-year recipients
Joe E. Acker (Trauma Communications); Pamela R. Alford (Campus Maintenance); Michael Allon (Nephrology); Ronald D. Alvarez (GYN Oncology); Jimmy L. Anderson (Surgery); William W. Andrews (OB/GYN); Doug W. Bates (Enterprise Applications); Craig W. Beard (Mervyn H. Sterne Library); Anita L. Bonasera (Employee Relations); Carolyn D. Brannon (Parking & Transportation Services); Ilene K. Brill (Epidemiology); Donna Bucher Yester (Infectious Diseases); Donald J. Buchsbaum (Rad Oncology-Radiobiology); Pamela E. Carver (Nursing Acute, Chronic & Continuing Care); Gary Chapman (Art and Art History); Debra Clisby (UAB Substance Abuse Center); Jennifer D. Coleman (Animal Resources Program); Marian D. Collins (Health Information Management Program); Denise J. Coston (Medical Student Services); Christine Angela Curcio (Ophthalmology); Catherine F. Danielou (College of Arts and Sciences); Manabendra Dasgupta (Marketing, Industrial Distribution, & Economics); Valisia M. Davis (Psychology-Child & Adolescent); Regina L. Farmer (Dermatology); R. Jobe Fix (Plastic Surgery); Robin D. Foley (Materials Science & Engineering); Robert S. Gaston (Nephrology); Virginia L. Goodall (Anatomic Pathology); Valerie S. Gordon (Lister Hill Library of Health Sciences-Retired); Denise M. Goska (Gerontology/Geriatrics/Palliative Care); Randall E. Grace (Occupational Health & Safety); Leonard Kyle Grimes (English); Mary F. Grimes (Fleet Operations); Michael J. Jablonsky (Chemistry); Gregg M. Janowski (Student & Faculty Success); Catrena Patrice Johnson (Infectious Diseases); Jennifer J. Jones (Payroll Services); Jerry W. Lawrence (IT Business Data Services); Shirley A. Levins (Radiology); Patrick J. Louis (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery); Mattie Lowery-Poole (Pediatric Dentistry); Daniel C. Marson (Neurology); Tonja A. Meadows (Pulmonary/Allergy/Critical Care); Dale M. Moore (Facilities Financial Mgmt); Pamela S. Murray (History); Michele H. Nichols (Pediatric Emergency Medicine); Edward E. Partridge (OB/GYN); James E. Pockstaller (University Compliance); Angela Law Rembert (Restorative Sciences); Francisco Robert (Hematology & Oncology); Kim R. Rodgers (College of Arts and Sciences); Laura Newton Rutledge (Nutrition Sciences); Chenise Ryan (Enrollment Operations); Celia E. Schardon Keenan (Anesthesiology); Gene P. Siegal (Anatomic Pathology); Kenneth R. Sloan (Computer & Information Sciences); Nathan B. Smith (Psychiatry); Sandra L. Smith (Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics); Robin A. Steele (Maternal & Fetal Medicine); Edlue M Tabengwa (Hematology & Oncology); J. Allison Todd (Maternal & Fetal Medicine); Stacey Lynn Torman (Athletics); Tammie W. Vines (Chemistry); Anita C. Webb (Preventive Medicine); Rudi Weikard (Mathematics); Tracey J. White (Athletics); Carolyn P. Whitmire (Research & Economic Development); Gwendolyn S. Williams (Family & Community Medicine); Janet L. Yother (Microbiology)
Honored 30-year recipients
Sheila J. Bright (Radiation Oncology-Radiobiology); Tina B. Bryant (Engineering); Vince C. Burgett (Express Project Services); Yiu-Fai Chen (Cardiovascular Disease); John W. Coles III (Nursing); Bertina Coley (Student Accounting); Steven J. Filler (General Dentistry); Cynthia R. Flanigan (Preventive Medicine); Patricia A. Griffin (Sparks Center for Development & Learning Disorders); Clinton J. Grubbs (Surgery); Caroll B. Hartline (Pediatric Infectious Disease); Ginger P. Hattaway (Dentistry); Benjamin L. Hayley II (Office of Chief Financial Officer); David P. Henze (Athletics); Laura Winn Jones (Surgery); W. J. Many Jr. (School of Medicine-Montgomery); Debra H. Martin (Comprehensive Cancer Center); Casey D. Morrow (Cell, Developmental, & Integrative Biology); Thomas A. Novack (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation); Thomas L. Powers (Marketing, Industrial Distribution & Economics); James W. Robbins Jr. (Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics); April E. Rollins-Kyle (SHP Dean's Office); Paul W. Sanders (Nephrology); Robbie D. Scott (IT Business Financial Svcs); Anthony L. Smith (Campus Services); Daniel J. Spencer (Occupational Health & Safety); Narayana V. L. Sthanam (Optometry); Peter D. Waite (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery); Tonya L. Webb (University Police)
Honored 35-year recipients
Vinnia A. Anderson (Clinical Genetics); Serge Bokobza (Foreign Languages); Carolyn P. Bond (Dental Faculty Practice); Wayne E. Bradley (Cardiovascular Disease); Mary Catherine Duncan (Surgery); Joan Grant Keltner (Nursing Acute, Chronic & Continuing Care); Ian W. Knowles (Mathematics); Linda C. Lucas (Office of the Provost); Lex G. Oversteegen (Mathematics); Joseph B. Philips III (Neonatology); Thomas G. Robinson (Shipping & Receiving); Katherine C. Sexton (Comprehensive Cancer Center)
Honored 40-year recipients
Ivan A. Brezovich (Radiation Oncology); Addie D. Duke (Enrollment Operations); Robert Y. Kim (Radiation Oncology); Joseph S. Lovetto (Health Info & Business Systems); Steven J. Zehren (Cell, Developmental, & Integrative Biology)
Honored 45 - Year Recipients
Louis Dale (Office of VP Equity and Diversity); Jeanne S. Hutchison (Mathematics); Ferdinand Urthaler (Cardiovascular Disease)