Subject to certain conditions, UAB will allow up to 14 calendar days of dependent care leave to enable employees who cannot work remotely to stay home with an immediate family member who is quarantined due to COVID-19.
Questions about the $400 vaccine incentive payments?
Get answers to some of the more frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 voluntary vaccine incentive.
3 things to know about a change in the general wage structure
The two-digit code, or grade, UAB uses to categorize job titles within salary ranges will be replaced with a three-digit code, effective Sept. 1.
Answers to questions about alternative work pilot program
UAB will launch a limited six-month pilot program Sept. 1 to evaluate alternative work options for positions that do not require a daily on-site presence.
Survey to be postponed, but engagement will continue
Employee engagement is an ongoing priority, and UAB leadership will continue to explore new ways to seek input and feedback as campus life and operations return to pre-COVID levels.
UAB and UAB Medicine employees will be able to keep and roll over any unused personal holidays though June 2022 and get an extra day to celebrate Juneteenth.
Six chosen among first to be named UAB VIP
Lisa Harvey, Timothy Key, Malcolm Marler, Kerry McAlpine, Akia McCurdy and Justin Roth are the first six honorees of the UAB Shared Values in Action Program launched this year to honor employees whose work best exemplifies institutional values.
UAB begins its search for a chief human resources officer
UAB has initiated a national search to replace retiring Chief Human Resources Officer Alesia Jones, who has served UAB for 27 years.
Use personal holidays by June deadline
Plans to return employees to campus are underway
The two-phase reentry plan is a flexible solution that will enable students to return to full-time classroom instruction during the summer and fall terms, as directed by the UA System Board of Trustees.