Explore UAB


IRAP at UAB is based on software developed by InfoEd Global, Inc. When the system is fully functional it will support electronic submission of funding applications and compliance forms and seamlessly connects the operations of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Institutional Review Board for Human Use (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Chemical Safety Committee, Radiation Safety Committee, Conflict of Interest Review Board (CIRB), and the Material Transfer Office (MTO). Other features of the system provide access to potential collaborators and automated notification of funding opportunities meeting criteria you set.


Searching across publications provides a narrow view of the research ecosystem in any given field, and misses much of the related activity that takes place before and after. With Dimensions, you can search, report and analyze across grants, publications, datasets, clinical trials, patents and policy simultaneously, enabling you to build a richer picture of the global scholarly landscape by tracing research from idea to impact. Additional filters, further analytical views and visualizations make this an advanced solution for informing research and grant application strategy, reporting, conducting ongoing analysis and evaluation, and more.


Ex Libris Pivot-RP is an online suite of tools for researchers and faculty that is accessible using Single Sign On. Pivot-RP provides research administrators, research development professionals, and individual faculty members quick and easy access to the identify research and funding opportunities.


InfoReady consolidates form building, application and document collection, routing, review, notification and reporting into a centralized web-based platform for UAB. InfoReady provides faculty, students, and invited guests the opportunity to apply for award competitions that are managed by UAB such as Pilot Funding, Limited Submissions, Fellowships, etc.