BMD’s Walker wins major national and University honors

U.S News & World Report rankings: OT up 3, PT top 20

MSHA ranked #2; SHP has 3 in U.S. News & World Report Top 20

Albin donates Gossman thesis to UAB PT

UAB PT leads way in promoting national program on health for people with disabilities

Nestlé, UAB and Woodlawn Foundation team up for early childhood nutrition education
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SHP hosts Inaugural Dodgeball Tournament

Dietetic Internship graduates 50th class
Congratulations to the UAB Dietetic Internship program. At 10 a.m. on Friday, June 20, 2014, the program in the School of Health Professions graduated their 50th class.
Read moreHigh-Tech hide-and-seek being played in UAB classroom

However, they are not looking for each other and they cannot see what they are looking for. Read more
PT program celebrates 50 years

On Saturday, May 17, 2014, the School of Health Professions celebrated the UAB PT program's 50th anniversary with a dinner and reception at The Club in Birmingham. In addition to alumni from nearly every class of graduates, many of the founding members were in attendance including Joan Bergman, the first physical therapist hired by University Hospital, who initiated the UAB PT program.
SEE MORE: pictures from the 50th anniversary event Read more

UAB recognizes clinical nutrition pioneer Weinsier
UAB graduates 1st class of Saudi Arabian hospital administrators

Delitto, renowned PT researcher, named inaugural Gossman Lecturer

UAB program uses Standardized Patients, Simulators to prepare Genetic Counseling students

Delivering the news is a second-year graduate student in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Genetic Counseling Program. This is the first time the student will have the opportunity to deliver this type of abnormal test result during her training as a genetic counselor.
Fortunately for all involved, this is a simulation session where the mother is a standardized patient and the baby is a high-fidelity mannequin. The session provides the genetic counseling class members the opportunity to deliver difficult and complex genetic test information in a realistic, yet supervised environment. Unfortunately, this will not be the last time any of them deliver bad news. Read more
UAB School of Health Professions Dedicates new Building Addition

Physician Assistant program offering three options for workforce needs

HSA graduates first Executive Doctoral class Dec. 15
John McWhorter is graduating from the first Executive Doctoral class on Dec. 15. John McWhorter has a lot on his plate. He’s the president of Baylor University Medical Center and Senior Vice President Hospital Division at Baylor Health Care System in Dallas, Texas. He’s responsible for $2.7 billion in revenues for 18 hospitals and more than 12,000 employees. He’s a family man whose mission works have led him to Africa, Belize, Honduras and Mexico.
It would seem that McWhorter has little time for anything else. In just over three years, he has managed to squeeze in a doctoral degree. On December 15, 2012, McWhorter will be one of eight people graduating from the first class of the Executive Doctor of Science Degree in Administration-Health Services from the School of Health Professions at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
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Helping people with disabilities become more physically active is focus of new UAB initiative
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and Birmingham-based Lakeshore Foundation have partnered on an initiative made possible by a $6-million, five-year grant from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research to find ways to improve health outcomes among disabled persons.
Read moreUse the holidays to gather your family's health history

If you don’t know the answer to these and other family health questions, this holiday season is the perfect time to mine for information from both sides of your family on your family’s health history, says UAB Genetic Counselor Lynn Holt. Read more

New Rehabilitation Science doctoral program offered at SHP
Two University of Alabama at Birmingham departments have joined forces to create a new doctoral program. The Department of Occupational Therapy and Department of Physical Therapy in the School of Health Professions is offering a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Science this fall.
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