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Students/Faculty News Kevin Storr October 23, 2023

Each year during Homecoming Week, five students in the School of Health Professions are awarded a Blazer Forever Scholarship. Students are selected based on their essay answers. This year, we asked students to talk about the ways classroom collaborations and/or team-based learning has made them stronger teammates. Click a winner below to see selected excerpts from their answers.

  • Ahmed Abdelgawad, PhD in Biotechnology
    Ahmed Abdelgawad, PhD in Biotechnology

    Ahmed Abdelgawad, PhD in Biotechnology

    Being both an alumnus and a current PhD student in Biotechnology at the School of Health Professions, UAB's emphasis on "Collaboration" has been a consistent thread throughout my academic trajectory. The rich tapestry of my experiences from undergraduate studies to my current doctoral research is imbued with lessons learned from collaborative endeavors.

    It's intriguing to see how the collaborative values of UAB are deeply interwoven with the Y2BLAZE theme. Just as 'BLAZE' suggests innovation, dynamism, and forward momentum, my experiences at UAB, first as an undergraduate and now as a doctoral candidate, have equipped me with the collaborative tools to pioneer advancements in biotechnology. I've evolved from a student absorbing knowledge to an emerging researcher contributing to the field, and collaboration has been the compass guiding this transformation.

  • Talia Clark, B.S. in Health Care Management
    Talia Clark, B.S. in Health Care Management

    Talia Clark, BS in Health Care Management

    I've learned that being a strong teammate isn't just about individual knowledge or skills; it's about how well you can work together with others to achieve common goals. One significant aspect of collaboration that stands out is the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds among my fellow students.

    UAB's commitment to inclusivity has created an environment where students from various cultures, disciplines, and walks of life come together. This diversity has enriched our collaborative experiences, challenging us to appreciate different viewpoints and find common ground.

  • Venessia Cunningham, Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Quality and Safety
    Venessia Cunningham, Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Quality and Safety

    Venessia Cunningham, Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Quality and Safety

    During my time at UAB, I've come to realize just how vital classroom collaboration and team-based learning are in shaping us into stronger teammates. Working on projects with fellow students has taught me valuable lessons about building relationships and understanding different perspectives.

    UAB has shown me that working in a team can be challenging, but by putting in the effort to understand one another's priorities and ideas, we can overcome any hurdle. These experiences have not only made me a better teammate but also equipped me with essential skills for future collaborations.

  • Megan Duffy, BS in Biomedical Sciences
    Megan Duffy, BS in Biomedical Sciences

    Megan Duffy, BS in Biomedical Sciences

    During my time at UAB, I've come to realize just how vital classroom collaboration and team-based learning are in shaping us into stronger teammates. Working on projects with fellow students has taught me valuable lessons about building relationships and understanding different perspectives.

    UAB has shown me that working in a team can be challenging, but by putting in the effort to understand one another's priorities and ideas, we can overcome any hurdle. These experiences have not only made me a better teammate but also equipped me with essential skills for future collaborations.

  • Alexandre'ail Jackson, Doctor of Physical Therapy
    Alexandre'ail Jackson, Doctor of Physical Therapy

    Alexandre'ail Jackson, Doctor of Physical Therapy

    Throughout the program, we are taught how to use an interdisciplinary approach to effectively communicate with other healthcare professionals, administer patient-centered care, and learn about other services and resources available to improve health and wellness of our patients. These type of collaborations and team building exercises is one of the reasons why UAB contributes to the development of great physical therapists.

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