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Bethany Moore, MS

Marietta, Georgia


  • BS, Kinesiology, Texas Christian University
  • MS, Exercise Physiology, UAB


My general research interests are in body composition, energy expenditure, and various types of exercise training, especially in children. My previous research projects include the effects of meal composition on postprandial blood lipids and BP and the relationship between percent total body fat, jump test performance, and muscle strength in older men and women.

What made you decide to pursue a PhD?

For me, this program is all about the research process. While frustrating and slow at times, research allows us to bridge the gap between our growing knowledge of human physiology and health and what is practiced by physicians and clinicians. I look forward to learning from some of the best here at UAB and honing my research skills and goals/interest in the process. The knowledge and expertise gained through this Ph.D. program will also open up doors for incredible opportunities to come.

Any special interests, hobbies, or fun facts?

I enjoy cooking, spending time with family and friends, trying new restaurants, and gymnastics.

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