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5th and 6th Floor

  • Status: On Schedule
  • Updates: The floors and walls of the kitchen space on the 6th floor and 5th floor spaces are finished! Some of the larger pieces of equipment are starting to be delivered and installed. Ceiling work and other finishing work will begin to take place. There may also be some painting starting over the coming weeks.


  • Status: Continues to be slightly delayed.
  • Updates: This project is still behind schedule due to supplier shipping issues. The project should be completed in September. An exact date is pending.
  • Issues: Please expect construction noise in WEBB through Friday, August 16.

Rear Entry/Bridge

  • Status: Anticipated opening mid- to late-August.
  • Updates: The project is nearing completion but awaiting the delivery of the ADA technology for opening the interior doors and other safety features related to the new entrance and walkway.
  • Issues: Please expect construction noise in WEBB through Friday, August 16.

Front Entry/2nd Floor

  • Status: Work will begin at the end of August.
  • Updates: In coordination with department Leadership, we are beginning to coordinate and plan for the details related to the transition to this phase of the project. Please stay tuned for updates regarding access changes to the building and additional construction impacts as a result of a shift to the front of the building that will impact the 1st and 2nd floors.

Alternative Workspaces

  • If you ever need a quiet space to work, the LRC has multiple meeting rooms and there are study areas on each floor in SHPB.
  • If you are still struggling to find a spot, please connect directly with Julia Tolbert-Jackson via email: julia08@uab.edu or cell: 205-873-5666.

Transforming the Webb Building

The UAB School of Health Professions is renovating the Susan Mott Webb Nutrition Sciences Building. Here you will find the latest updates and details about the improvements.

During construction there will be no impact on the east side of WEBB - the side facing the plaza and the School of Nursing (SON). The doors that lead to the plaza (2nd floor) and SON (1st floor) will continue to be open to all foot traffic.

To learn more about a specific floor and project, please click the appropriate link below.

Your Patience Appreciated

For anyone who has been involved with a renovation, you know that it is guaranteed there will be missteps along the way. These are unavoidable. Please have patience with the project and with each other.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the project or contractors in the building, please connect directly with Julia Tolbert-Jackson via email: julia08@uab.edu or cell: 205-873-5666.

Project Contractors

  • CCR Architecture & Interiors
  • MEI Research, LTD (sole source equipment provider)
  • Birchfield Penuel & Associates (design and engineering)
  • P&M Mechanical (general contractor)