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Houston, Texas


  • BS, Nutrition Science, The University of Texas at Austin 2019
  • BSA, Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin 2017


My research mission is to investigate cancer survivorship and prevention by community-based nutrition approaches in underserved areas to reduce the burden of cancer and other comorbidities related to cancer. I am interested in exploring the different avenues of the impact diet and physical activity have on biomarkers related to cancer survivorship and prevention in underserved areas. I wish to introduce community-based nutrition interventions that focus on nutritional values and habits that enhance nutrition and behavioral modifications in underserved geographic communities and lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

What made you decide to pursue a Ph.D.?

I decided to pursue a Ph.D. from the University of Alabama at Birmingham because it will provide me with an opportunity to train with different faculty members that excel in researching fundamental concepts and factors that lead to chronic diseases. Being a Ph.D. candidate at UAB will allow me to understand, create, and study nutrition education specific to cancer survivorship and prevention, and emphasize the reality of nutritional value and knowledge for growth and development at the community level.

Any special interests, hobbies, or fun facts?

I enjoy cooking dishes from different cuisines. I love exploring new restaurants and consider myself to be a foodie. During my free time, I enjoy going on morning walks and resistance training.

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