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The Epidemiology Seminar Series at the UAB School of Public Health brings together the academic community by sharing diverse epidemiological research by speakers from the Department of Epidemiology as well as other divisions and departments at UAB, local and state health departments, or invited guests from other national and occasionally international institutes. The overall objective of the epidemiology seminar series is to create a forum for scientific dialogue on current topics in epidemiology among students, staff, faculty, and practicing professionals in epidemiology. This seminar series will be an opportunity for everyone to learn about each other's ongoing work and areas of expertise, and to identify opportunities for potential collaboration.

The Epidemiology Seminar Series is held on Mondays from 12:00 -1:00 p.m. during Fall and Spring semesters in Ryals Room 407, unless otherwise noted.

Register for Credit Hours

Students can register for a 1 credit hour course (EPI 695/795) to participate in the discussion and critique of concepts related to the field of epidemiology, biostatistics, and public health presented by seminar speakers. Contact Dr. Sadeep Shrestha at sshrestha@uab.edu for more information.

Past Seminars

View a sampling of our past seminars on our YouTube channel or a list of speakers and their topics for the last several years below.

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