Leadership, Systems Development, and Workforce Development
- Collaborate with government agencies and private industry, both globally and domestically, to improve systems of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
- Partner with the Alabama Department of Mental Health and Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education to establish and develop comprehensive, statewide systems to support children and their families, including physical and mental health, child care, early learning and education, home visiting, and family engagement.
- Collaboratewith the Health Resources and Services Administration to expand the public health workforce, maximizing diversity and facilitating distribution in underserved communities.
- Engage with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau in the development of and support for both the MCH-public health workforce and current/future academic faculty.

Assessment, Intervention, Evaluation, and Surveillance
- Enhance healthcare delivery and effectiveness, reduce health disparities and promote health equity, both at home and abroad, through NIH-funded research.
- Develop and enhance partnerships with the Jefferson County Department of Health, the UAB Minority Health and Health Equity Research Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Manage local, regional, national, and international topic-specific collaborative work (Mental Health, HIV/AIDS, Obesity, School Readiness, Behavioral Health, Disaster Preparedness).
- Direct state, regional, and national maternal- and perinatal-health quality improvement efforts (Alabama and beyond).
- Lead Title V MCH Needs Assessment and State Block Grant work in Alabama and Mississippi.
- The Covid-19 Testing and Prevention in K-12 Schools ProgramOpens an external link.: From 2021-2023, the UAB School of Public Health collaborated with the Alabama Department of Public Health and the Alabama State Department of Education to offer weekly and voluntary asymptomatic COVID-19 testing on-site in Alabama’s K-12 schools to students, faculty, and staff. In addition to weekly COVID-19 testing, the program offered additional services to help safely continue in-person learning.

Public Health Policy and Economics
- Work with Alabama Medicaid and the Alabama Department of Public Health to evaluate and optimize funding and services for vulnerable populations.
- Evaluate the impact of local and federal policies on reproduction, rural healthcare access/outcomes, and privacy.
- Join the Alabama Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to assure that individuals with disabilities are included in ongoing disease prevention, health promotion, and emergency response activities.
- Partner with the Gulf States Collaborative Center for Health Policy Research.

Clinical Outcomes and Decision-Making
- Work to reduce maternal and infant morbidity/mortality.
- Quantify patient preference and financial impact of cancer treatment options.
- Identify behavioral interventions to maximize disease prevention.
- Examine the cost-effectiveness of selected clinical interventions.
- Adapt and implement evidence-based strategies to improve health and quality of life.