A common request of the SOPH Office of Research is to include a more robust library of example grant elements in order to assist new investigators in drafting and submitting applications. As a reminder, this library is only accessible to faculty on the Office of Research website (Blazer ID and password are required for access). To meet this goal, we are asking faculty to provide example documents from grant applications (any funder/any mechanism) so that we can build this library. We are particularly interested in Science, Protection of Human Subjects documents, and other documents (e.g., data management and sharing plans, multiple PI plans, budget justifications). Anything you are willing to share would be very helpful. Thank you!
Add example documents from grant applications:
Choose file, multiple Science files may be uploaded.
PHS documents (inclusion of individuals across the lifespan, inclusion of women and minorities, recruitment and retention plans, study timeline, protection of human subjects, single IRB, data safety monitoring plan, and overall structure of the study team)
Choose file, multiple PHS documents may be uploaded.
Other (data management and sharing plans, multiple PI plans, career development plans, budget justifications, plan for enhancing diverse perspectives)
Choose file, multiple “other” files may be uploaded.