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This year the Staff Council and UAB Leadership and Service Council are joining the Salvation Army in promoting their Angel Tree.  We've committed to providing gifts for 50 "Angels".  These "Angels" are children aged 10 and under from needy families who have applied for Christmas assistance through the Social Services program of The Salvation Army.  For many, these gifts will be the only ones they receive this Christmas.

You can sponsor an Angel on your own, or as a group if you prefer.  You will know your Angel's age, clothing and shoe sizes, and have a list of items to be provided. 


How do I get an Angel?

Please contact David Dada in the Hill Student Center: dldada@uab.edu, 934.8023

When is the deadline to sign up?

Wednesday, November 22 (day before Thanksgiving).

When are the gifts needed?

Friday, December 1st.

What sort of gifts are required?

The list for each includes 1-2 “wants” (like toys or games) and some “needs” (like jeans, boots, winter coat, school uniform, diapers, comforter set).
Please note: ALL the "need" items are required.  The "wish" is optional. 

An example:
  • Clothing Type: Boy
  • Pants size: 8
  • Shirt size: 8
  • Coat size: 8
  • Underwear size: 8
  • Need: Twin Bedding
  • Wish: Scooter

Are the gifts collected?

If you are unable to drop off to the Hill Student Center or otherwise need help, please contact either David Dada in the Hill Student Center (dldada@uab.edu) or your Staff Council representative.