Explore UAB


Vulcan Materials Academic Success Center

VMASC Advisors Are Here to Help

We’re here to help you through the process, so here are our commitments to you as we explore your choices together. We will

  • Explain university policies, programs, and procedures.
  • Guide you in developing and attaining clear and realistic educational goals.
  • Reinforce your active awareness and participation in the development and achievement of your educational plans.
  • Communicate effectively and transparently with you in an open and caring manner.
  • Provide accurate information to assist you with decisions.
  • Discuss options and possible consequences of your decisions.
  • Monitor your progress towards meeting your goals.
  • Inform you of institutional and community-based resources that can maximize your educational experience.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of your information.


Anatomy of Degree Requirements: Minimum of 120 hours, total, comprised of: Core Curriculum Requirements (including FYE) - 41 hours, Major Requirements - 30-60 hours, Minor Requirements - 15-25 hours, and ElectivesAnatomy of your Degree

Your time here at UAB will go faster than you think. You may be wondering, “what does a UAB degree consist of?” The answer to that question ultimately depends on you, but there are a few key requirements that must be met. You must:

  • Complete the Core Curriculum
  • Earn 120 credit hours
  • Complete the degree requirements for at least one major
  • Achieve good academic standing within both UAB and your major


Understanding the Core Curriculum

Sometimes called general education courses, the Core Curriculum is a selection of required and elective courses that together make up five different core competencies. You’ll work closely with your academic advisor to decide what courses you would like to take to meet your academic goals. Click below to start exploring the Core on your own before you meet with your advisor.


Reach out to your advisor if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment.