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Read what students have to say about their experience with
Student Assistance & Support

  • "I found out about Student Assistance & Support through my professor. I was feeling overwhelmed with school and missed a few classes. I went and talked to a case manager who was very nice and listened to me. She gave me some handouts with resources that I could use and she referred me to Counseling Services. I am so glad I went to Student Assistance & Support where I was listened to and treated like I mattered."

  • "I was feeling like nobody cared about me. I didn't want to go to class. I didn't want to be around my friends. I was embarrassed that I didn't have enough money for food to get me through the month. I heard about Student Assistance & Support and their food pantry. I didn't know what to expect when I went in there. It was easy. I didn't feel judged. I found out more about resources that were available to me and finally I felt like somebody understood what I was feeling. Thank you Student Assistance & Support."

  • "When I left Student Assistance & Support I knew two things. 1. I wasn't alone, and 2. They cared about what I was going through and connected me to resources I didn't know were available. I appreciate them so much."

  • "I didn't have a place to live and needed help. Student Assistance & Support helped me find a temporary place to stay until I could save some money and find an apartment. They really care and without their help I wouldn't be at UAB."

  • "I am financially struggling and really am stressed about how I am going to stay in school. I met with Student Assistance & Support and they made me see I needed to step back from the problem and breathe and know there is hope. I listened and decided to meet with Financial Aid to try and see if I was eligible for additional aid. I didn't even know this was an option. I'm still struggling, but I know there are resources that can help me, especially the food pantry which really helps."

  • "After meeting with a staff member from Student Assistance & Support, I feel so much better. Now I have a plan. Before meeting with them, I felt so overwhelmed with my problems. Learning to prioritize the things I have to attend to first has made things more manageable. I also learned that everybody struggles from time to time. I am not alone in my problems."

  • "Student Assistance & Support helped me so much. I was so overwhelmed and had no idea what to so. Student Assistance & Support helped me with a plan that I could follow and actually do. They told me about tons of resources that I had no idea about. I really think more students should come here to get help."

  • "Blazer Kitchen at Hill Student Center has really helped me since I sometimes I can't afford food. I tell students who are having money issues about Blazer Kitchen. The people who help me are nice. Thank you."