Explore UAB

The Office of Access & Engagement offers voluntary education on a variety of topics designed to provide the campus community with learning opportunities that foster civility, respect, and excellence in keeping with UAB’s Shared Values, WE CARE (collaborate, act with integrity, respect all and excel).

Several courses are offered, and available dates and registration are accessible through the Campus LMS. Registration is required.

Community Awareness Building Blocks

Community Awareness Building Blocks supports success by providing the framework for gaining a nuanced understanding of the various meanings and potential impact of differences in the workplace. The session explores the impact of differing perspectives, backgrounds and beliefs in workplace interactions and relationships. The course also presents strategies and resources to better navigate and embrace civility and respect. Community Awareness Building Blocks is the foundational session in the series of four classes required to achieve the UAB Civility Certificate.

Creating Collaborative Environments

Creating Collaborative Environments supports success by providing an opportunity to acquire skills that prioritize independent thinking and self-expression, all within a framework of respect and civility. By examining our decision-making processes and interpersonal interactions, we take deliberate steps toward establishing learning and work environments that promote mutual respect. Creating Collaborative Environments is the second course in the series of four classes required to achieve the UAB Civility Certificate.

Language and Respect

The Language and Respect module promotes success by offering an opportunity to explore effective communication. It emphasizes how our words convey thoughts and knowledge, while also encouraging active listening with an open mind. As a follow-up to the Creating Collaborative Environments module, this session continues the dialogue on how individuals can intentionally use language to foster respectful and collaborative environments.

Bystander Intervention

Bystander behavior has been a focal point in social psychological research for over four decades. Initially designed to address sexual assault and violence prevention on college campuses, the bystander model is now also applied to recognizing and intervening in instances of bullying and discrimination. The Bystander Intervention module, the fourth and final part of the UAB Civility Certificate series, promotes success by enhancing awareness of common forms of mistreatment, including bullying and harassment, as well as offers background information, steps and barriers to a successful intervention.

Community Terms & Definitions Education

The practice of being mindful and intentional in our written and spoken communication serves as the bedrock for bridging cultural gaps and fostering respectful and civil discourse. By using language that reflects our shared values (WE CARE, Collaboration, Act with integrity, Respect for all, and Excel), we reinforce the significance of creating supportive work environments for all.