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Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program (ABM)

""Through the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Program (ABM) in Biology, an undergraduate student can take courses that count simultaneously toward their undergraduate and graduate programs. Once admitted, an ABM student can take up to 12 hours of approved 500/600-level graduate courses that will count toward both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Upon completion, students enter the job market with an increased earning potential and set themselves apart as candidates with high-level critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How it Works

Our program offers two 30-hour tracks: Thesis and Non-Thesis Options.

Plan I Thesis Degree

Semester Hours: 30


Semester Hours

BY 545: Principals of Scientific Investigation or BY 655: Biometry


GRD 715: TA Training for STEM Laboratories


BY 600 series: Colloquium in Biological Sciences

2 (two offerings, 1 hour each)

BY 500 to BY 696

8 (from any concentration)

BY 698 Non-thesis

9 (pre-candidacy)

BY 699 Thesis

6 (post-candidacy)

Plan II Non-Thesis

Semester Hours: 30


Semester Hours

BY 500-696

16 (from any concentration)

BY 600 series: Colloquium in Biological Sciences

2 (two offerings, 1 hour each)

BY 698 Non-thesis





Early acceptance to ABM-Biology is offered to high-achieving incoming freshmen. High school students with Presidential Scholarships (in state) or Blazer Elite Scholarships (out of state) will automatically receive offers. All students must maintain a 3.5 GPA as a UAB undergraduate to matriculate into ABM-Biology.

Requirements and Qualifications

  • Current students may apply once they have earned 60 or more undergraduate hours, at least 36 of which must be earned at UAB.
  • Students must have a 3.50 overall undergraduate GPA, including science background (e.g., biology, organic chemistry).
  • Students must have completed BY 123/124. They must have also completed BY 210 and/or BY 330 as well as CH 115/116, CH 117/118, CH 235/236, and CH 237/238 with a C or better.
  • GRE is NOT required.

*Students should complete at least one term of BY 398 or have equivalent effort before matriculation.

Application Process

Prior to applying, prospective students must meet with the Undergraduate Advisor and Biology Graduate Program Director to discuss program requirements and to outline course plan as an ABM-Biology student.

Requirements for Application Review

  • Biology program application form that indicates courses planned for shared credit
  • Personal statement explaining why you are applying to ABM-Biology and how it will benefit your career development
  • At least one letter of recommendation
  • Application fee


Interested students should contact Dr. Tyna Adams at tmadams2@uab.edu.