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Student talking with faculty member, both seated in front of a large window in University Hall.

Below are several opportunities to study Chinese in China for one or more semesters. Each program is selective and accepts applications from students of many nations. You may also be interested in other scholarships available through the Department and UAB.

The Critical Language Scholarship

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded summer overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate and graduate students. Formal classroom language instruction is provided for a minimum of 20 hours per week. Extracurricular activities are designed to supplement the formal curriculum, including regular one-on-one meetings with native-speaker language partners for conversational practice, as well as cultural activities and excursions designed to expand students’ understanding of the history, politics, culture, and daily life of their host country.

Learn more about the program and how to apply on the CLS website opens a new website.

Boren Scholarships and Fellowships

Boren Scholars and Fellows benefit a vital pool of highly motivated individuals who wish to work in the federal national security arena. In exchange for funding, Boren Scholars commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation. Award amounts are based on the length of time you spend overseas and the cost of the program. Scholarships can provide undergraduate students with up to $20,000, and fellowships can provide graduate students with up to $30,000.

Learn more about the program and how to apply on the Boren Awards website opens a new website.

The Freeman Awards for Study in Asia

Freeman-ASIA funds awards ranging from $3,000 per student for summer study and $5,000 per semester to a maximum of $7,000 for a full year abroad.

Prospective students should visit the Freeman-ASIA website opens a new website for eligibility requirements, full application instructions, and a list of deadlines.

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