Explore UAB

Students taking Chinese, French, German, and Spanish can take a placement test to ensure they enroll in the correct course level. (Students enrolling in Italian will work directly with their faculty member.) The placement test is only used as an advising tool to ensure correct placement. Students should also explore course content during the add/drop period to be sure they fit in that course. We are happy to move students who take the placement test to a higher or lower level course as needed.

Placement Test (Avant PLACE) for Chinese, French, German, and Spanish

Before starting, email your professor for login information.

  1. The test will consist of a self-evaluation, a reading section, a grammar section, and one writing prompt. To ensure your computer is set up for testing, please take a sample test opens a new website on this page. You will not receive any feedback on the sample test as it is meant to give you an idea of what the test is like and ensure your computer is set up for testing. (You will see a speaking prompt on the sample test but will not be taking a speaking section on the live test.)
  2. Go to the Avant testing site opens a new website.
  3. Enter the login information sent to you by your professor.
    • If you are not currently enrolled in a language course at UAB, please contact Jenna Reynolds.
  4. Select “Start New Test” and enter your BlazerID as your Login Name.
    • If you need to leave the test before completing it, upon return, enter the same login information received from your professor. Then select "Continue Test" to complete the test.
  5. On the profile page, enter your first and last name as it appears on official university records. In the email section, you must use your university email address. Complete the other demographic questions to the best of your ability.
  6. Complete the test without using any outside help or websites.

Only UAB accesses your test results (not the testing company). Results are received by the university three-five business days after testing is complete. For any questions related to this test, please contact Jenna Reynolds.

Useful Resources

Placement Test for Japanese

Before proceeding, please contact Dr. Yoshi Hara at yhara@uab.edu for all placement test requests.

  • Students must register the email address of the faculty member when they take the Tsukuba test for the faculty member to receive the test result.
  • After completing the Tsukuba test, students must complete an oral interview test with a DWLL Japanese faculty member.

Take the Tsukuba Test opens a new website.

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