Our Applied Professional Spanish majors and Spanish for Specific Purposes certificate candidates participate in community service learning through required capstone courses which provide practical experience in professional contexts.
SPA 485: Spanish for Leadership at the Workplace
SPA 485 (3 credits) is the required capstone for the Applied Professional Spanish major. This course in in addition to the WLL 485 capstone course for all WLL majors.
WLL 333-00B: World Language Service Learning
WLL 333-00B (3 credits) is the required capstone course for the Spanish for Specific Purposes program.
Prerequisites: 6 hours of courses at the 300 level or equivalent, junior standing, and a minimum 3.0 GPA. WLL 333 cannot replace credit from language courses. Under exceptional circumstances, however, it may replace the required study-abroad program if approved by the Department.
WLL 333-001: World Language Internship
WLL 333-001 (1-6 credits) elective course that can be taken towards the WLL major.