For Admission

- a cumulative 2.5 GPA (unrounded) on a degree-issuing transcript
- a passing score on the Praxis II in Music
- a passion score on all 3 sections of the AECTP Basic Skills
- background clearance
Candidates must also meet all other criteria for admission to the Graduate School and to the master's degree program at the Department of Music.
Prospective students should NOT begin any coursework without first seeking a transcript evaluation and advisement from the Office of Student Services. Students who ignore this advice assume responsibility for their own mistakes.
No more than five required courses may be taken prior to unconditional admission to the Alternative Master's Program.
For Certification
Once a candidate has completed all requirements and has met all admission, exit and certification requirements, the candidate will be eligible for Alternative Class A certification in Choral or Instrumental Music Education. To be eligible for this certification, the candidate must:- submit a completed application for certification during the last term of enrollment in the Alternative Class A Music Education Program (and no later than 60 calendar months following completion of the program
- complete the alternative Class A program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on all required courses
- achieve a passing score on a comprehensive assessment documenting mastery of the curriculum
- meet all requirements for the Alabama Educators Certification Testing Program (AECTP)