Explore UAB

UAB's Music Education program consists of a Master of Arts degree in Music Education (traditional program) and an Alternative Master's degree in Music Education (alternative program). The program is housed in the UAB School of Education and Human Sciences's Department of Curriculum and Instruction and has three goals:

  • to train you to meet the evolving needs of learners in grades P-12 in today's rapidly changing society,
  • to deliver cutting-edge instruction through a standards-based, inquiry-focused approach that prepares you to use state-of-the-art instructional strategies in you own classroom, and
  • to ensure that a quality program is available to pre-service and in-service teachers who may be unable to attend class during traditional class hours.

Our program is unique in how it combines online support with a variety of delivery formats: blended courses (online alternating with face-to-face evenings), flexible summer programming, totally online platforms, and Saturday classes. Prospective students should contact the Program Director, Dr. Susan Spezzini: spezzini@uab.edu or (205) 934-8357.

Getting into the Program

Entrance procedure overview:

  • Apply to UAB Graduate School.
  • FAX transcript of all previous undergraduate/graduate work to UAB Music Office, (205) 975-1931.
  • Set up initial interview with Dr. Gainey and Dr. Kittredge, (205) 934-7376.
  • Set up interview with the School of Education and Human Sciences (SOE, Room 100).
  • Fill out UAB student information form in music office.
  • Complete GRE or MAT. See the Graduate School website for scheduling information.
  • Complete music placement tests in theory and history.
  • Audition for music faculty.
  • Complete piano proficiency.
  • Interview with representatives of graduate music faculty.
  • Students interested in the Alternative Fifth Year program must schedule an interview with Dr. Angela Gray, (205) 934-5323.

Further Information

How Much Does it Cost?

Detailed tuition and fees information can be found on the UAB Students page.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Admission: August 21
  • Spring Admission: January 2
  • Summer Admission: May 1


Please contact Denise Gaineyclarinet@uab.edu.