Explore UAB

university boulevard office buildingThe Master of Public Administration (MPA) and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) programs at UAB offer one of the most unique sets of curriculum for the preparation of public service professionals today. Currently there is a need for criminal justice personnel who not only are well-versed in the latest theories and practice of criminal justice, but also possess a complimentary set of professional administrative and management skills, such public policy, human resource management, and program evaluation. The joint MPA/MSCJ degree program is designed to meet this need through a relevant and rigorous curriculum in criminal justice and public administration.

The MPA/MSCJ degree provides both a solid foundation in criminal justice and the skills needed to become an effective supervisor or manager in law enforcement and other justice-related professions. This degree will provide a path for such students, helping them to improve the skills and credentials needed to move into management positions within their organizations.

Program Requirements

Students are required to complete a total of 60 semester hours for the coordinated degree (includes three hours of internship and a three (3) hour capstone project). This includes 30 hours in each department. Full-time students should be able to complete all degree requirements within three (3) years.

Program Admission

Students must apply and be admitted to the MPA and MSCJ programs separately. The requirements for each degree must be met before either degree is awarded and close communication with both programs is required.

Further Information

For more information, please contact Carin Mayo, MPA Program Manager, at ccmayo@uab.edu.