Explore UAB

Karlene K. Ball.

University Professor Bethany@uab.edu
CH 415
(205) 934-2610

Research Interests: Psychology of Aging, Gerontology

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., Indiana University, Psychology
  • M.S., Northwestern University, Psychology
  • Ph.D., Northwestern University, Psychology
  • Postdoc, Northwestern University, Psychology

Dr. Karlene Ball, University Professor and experimental psychologist, is the Director of the UAB Edward R. Roybal Center for Research on Applied Gerontology, funded by the National Institute on Aging, Associate Director of the university-wide Comprehensive Center for Healthy Aging (formerly the Center for Aging), Associate Director of the Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education, Professor in the Department of Neurobiology, a Senior Scientist in the Vision Research Center, a Senior Scientist in the Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, and a Senior Scientist in the Center for Exercise Medicine. Dr. Ball chaired the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Technical Group on Aging, and she is a member of the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council.

She received a M.E.R.I.T. award from the National Institutes of Health to extend her basic research program on the everyday activity problems of older adults to the development of interventions to prevent or retard age-related declines. A further description of the UAB Roybal Center, along with its investigators, resources, and projects, may be found on the CRAG website.

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