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Michael Sloane.

Associate Professorsloane@uab.edu
HOH 102
(205) 934-8733

Research Interests: Visual psychophysics, aging (spatial vision, cognition, & mobility), cognitive science

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., University College Dublin, Ireland, Psychology
  • KDS, Kleine Deutsche Sprachdiplom, Goethe Institut (Ireland) and Ludwig- Maximillians Universitat, (Munich, Germany), German
  • DStats, Diploma in Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Statistics
  • M.A., University College Dublin, Ireland, Psychology
  • Ph.D., Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Psychology

Born and raised in Ireland, Mike Sloane joined the department as an Assistant Professor in September 1982 having completed his doctoral work at the Cresap Neuroscience Laboratory of Northwestern University. He directed the Psychology Honors Program for over 12 years, served as Director of Undergraduate Studies, and was the first Vice Chair of the department. In the mid 1980s he launched the Psychology Club, facilitated the development of UAB's chapter of Psi Chi, and organized the annual Southeastern Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, which ran for 21 years. He was also instrumental in instigating and funding the department's annual John W. P. Ost Undergraduate Research Competition.

Dr. Sloane directed the cognitive science minor and the doctoral program in cognitive science. In 2004, he was selected to direct the University Honors Program, UAB’s flagship honors program established in 1983, which offers an interdisciplinary arts and sciences curriculum to a select group of highly motivated and talented undergraduates. In 2004 he authored a White Paper proposing the establishment of an Honors College, an Office of Undergraduate Research, and an annual undergraduate research conference at UAB.