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Patricia Drentea

Professor pdrentea@uab.edu
Heritage Hall 460R
(205) 934-2562

Research and Teaching Interests: Aging, Family, Gender, Debt

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • MA, The Ohio State University, Sociology
  • PhD, The Ohio State University, Sociology

I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in English. I was gradually moving south, from Minneapolis, MN (home), to graduate school at The Ohio State University, to Birmingham, AL. I have enjoyed my UAB Sociology experience; it is a good job, with great people, in a diverse setting, and a really nice building. I have always taught in the classroom, but also teach online in the professional MA in Sociology program as well.

One of my main areas of research investigates how debt affects well-being. My research centers on how inequality affects physical and mental health. I am also interested in family sociology, gender, and aging. My book, Families and Aging (2019), examines how the changing lifestyles and diversity of families of Americans will affect aging in later life. It explores the life course transitions that occur as individuals and families age, and considers how these social trends affect lives and society as a whole. Finally, a great deal of my work has centered on aspects of end-of-life care and caregiving.

UAB Scholars Profile