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Exceptional students currently enrolled in one of our undergraduate degree programs are encouraged to apply to our Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s program (ABM). This program is open to all sociology and medical sociology students who meet the criteria for admission. Students enrolled in other majors may also be accepted to the program on a case-by-case basis.

The ABM program allows you to take courses that count toward both your bachelor’s degree and the online MA in Sociology. This allows you to significantly shorten the time it takes to earn a master’s degree and distinguish yourself as a high-level critical thinker and problem solver. 


The ABM is for exceptional students. Requirements include having:

  • an average GPA of 3.5 (or better) in sociology (SOC) courses
  • an average GPA of 3.5 (or better) in all UAB courses
  • a minimum of 60 credit hours completed; 36 of these credit hours must have been taken at UAB

Before applying, you must meet with the sociology undergraduate program director, Dr. Chris Biga, and the online master’s program director, Dr. Cullen Clark. Program admission is decided by them. You should also meet with a financial aid/scholarship advisor to determine the impact of ABM on your scholarships and/or aid award. 

To apply, submit your application through the UAB Graduate School online portal opens a new website. Required materials include an application form, your transcript, two letters of recommendation, and a personal statement.

Program Requirements

You can take up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses to be counted as sociology electives toward the completion of your undergraduate degree and the master’s degree. 

Several graduate-level courses can substitute for required BA/BS courses.




SOC 611: Observing the Social World

SOC 486: Qualitative Research Methods

SOC 613: Introduction to Applied Social Research Methods

SOC 484: Quantitative Research Methods

SOC 623: Applied Sociological Theory

SOC 407: Development of Sociological Theory

SOC 627: Applied Social Psychology

SOC 405: Mind, Self, and Society

ABM students majoring in sociology can use any 500/600-level SOC course, with director approval, towards their elective hours for the BA.

ABM students majoring in medical sociology can use 500/600-level SOC classes focusing on research methods and/or statistical analysis with director approval. In addition, they can take 700-level substantive medical sociology classes with permission of faculty.

Plan of Study

You will develop and follow a specific plan of study with the help and approval of the graduate and undergraduate program directors. Changes to the course of study may only be made with approval.

You should be able to complete the ABM in five years without taking summer courses. You may move faster or slower through the program depending upon a number of variables unique to your personal plan.

To remain in the ABM program, you must:

  • maintain a 3.5 GPA average in SOC 100-400 level courses
  • maintain a 3.0 GPA average in 500-600 level SOC courses
  • maintain full-time student status at UAB

You will be withdrawn from the ABM program if you are unable to meet these requirements. In this case you will keep credit for the courses already taken in the ABM program. They will be applied to either the undergraduate or graduate degree, based on your preference.

Once you complete your bachelor’s degree, you enter the MA in Sociology program as a typical graduate student and must maintain the graduate program requirements.

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Major Information

If you are a current student and wish to change your major, be sure to speak with your current advisor(s). Find your advisor(s) listed on your student profile page when you log in to BlazerNET.

Then you can change your major on BlazerNET. Find more information here.

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Contact Us

Chris F. Biga

Teaching Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies
Faculty Profile
(205) 934-8408