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Are you interested in graduate school or finding a job in introductory research? The Undergraduate Certificate in Social Science Research Methods is designed to provide you with a foundation in social science research methods. 

This 15-hour program teaches you about a broad range of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Quantitative research methodologies include natural experiments, surveys, and network analysis. Qualitative research methodologies include in-depth interviews and ethnography. It also provides you with:

  • the foundational understanding, design, and implementation of data collection in social science research, including quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and community-engagement
  • the foundational understanding, design, and implementation of social science research analysis appropriate for the type of data collection
  • the ability to identify and assess reliable data sources and quality of data and to interpret various types of social data
  • proficiency in written and oral presentation skills to communicate evidence and data to academic as well as non-academic audiences


A complete list of courses and requirements can be found in the UAB Undergraduate Catalog. You will need a grade of at least C in any course used to satisfy the certificate requirements, and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 over all courses to earn the certificate. Twelve of the 15 required credit hours must be earned at UAB, and 12 of the credits must be at the 300-level or above.

Please note: Instructor approval is required for all graduate courses taken by undergraduate students. Working towards the certificate does not automatically permit you to take a graduate class at the undergraduate level.


Contact Chris Biga, Director of Undergraduate Studies

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